Offensive Thinking
Internet Thoughtcrime
Blog Archive
Links to every blog entry, sorted by date.
2019-08-15 I'm Not Dead (Yet)
2016-02-28 Update After Two Years
2013-11-17 Site Overhaul
2013-02-09 Nexus 4 SIM Card Trouble
2012-07-04 Subtle Window Manager
2012-06-10 On a personal note
2012-05-14 New Project: hedge HTTP Request Parser
2012-05-01 Vim Plugins
2011-07-14 How to Add a chrooted Debian to Your ASUS Transformer
2011-06-06 Minor site cleanups
2011-04-17 New project: remparser
2010-08-08 Website Updates
2010-05-20 New project: http2code
2010-04-10 Update on Enc
2010-04-09 New github release: Enc
2010-03-21 New snippets on github: alarm and bitify
2010-03-20 New ical2rem.rb version on github
2010-02-28 xsrfify: XSRF Helper Script
2010-01-04 Fuzzing and Enumerating with Wfuzz
2009-12-21 Remoting with PyAMF - the easy way
2009-12-17 Organizing your papers with Mendeley
2009-11-22 Microblogging
2009-11-18 Firefox Extensions for Pentesters: Grab Them All
2009-11-04 Auditing PHP code and phpsh
2009-10-18 Metasploit Readline Support
2009-10-02 Website Rewrite - nanoc3 and Haml
2009-09-15 Task - A TODO List Manager
2009-08-23 New Toy: Lenovo S10-2
2009-08-15 HAR 2009 CTF
2009-08-11 w3af WebScarab and Burp Proxy import
2009-08-06 Patching Ruby for WWMD
2009-07-28 w3af revisited
2009-07-18 Ratproxy, Metasploit WMAP and AUR
2009-06-28 New (local) PKGBUILDs
2009-06-21 PDFResurrect now in AUR
2009-06-15 Mutt Config
2009-06-12 RFC 2616 - the lost characters
2009-06-09 Flash Exploitation
2009-06-04 Watching Security Tube
2009-06-02 MITM-Proxies: WebScarab(-NG)
2009-05-25 More tools to play with
2009-05-16 Slow Work Day
2009-05-12 Efficient RSS reading - with Newsbeuter
2009-05-11 The thing about Twitter
2009-05-06 Added Xresources dotfile
2009-05-03 New Dotfiles Section
2009-04-27 Targeted Spam
2009-04-23 ZLE Woes
2009-04-19 Java Swing Default Look and Feel
2009-04-14 The whys and hows